Aging-out foster youth will leave the state funded foster care system in the Los Angeles area and attempt to navigate adulthood with little in the way of support or the skills needed to transition successfully. Almost all foster youth leave care with a plan to live independently that sounds great on paper and in transition meetings; however, in practice, many become homeless, involved with law enforcement and/or unemployed within six months of leaving the foster care system because of the lack of preparation.
Transitional Housing
We believe that everyone deserves a place to call home, and our transitional young adult housing program is a critical part of our efforts to these clients become a successfully independent part of the community while being a part of a network family.
Building Life Skills
Our life skills programs include classes on financial literacy, job readiness, and basic household management, giving our clients the tools they need to succeed in the long term. Our program will offer workshops to help them prepare for the challenges they will experience and feedback to help them navigate adult life to become a wage earner with responsibilities.
Group Therapy
There are several advantages of group therapy. Support, Safety and Encouragement Group therapy allows people to receive the support and encouragement of the other members of the group. People participating in the group can see that others are going through the same thing, which can help them feel less alone. The setting allows people to practice behaviors and actions within the safety and security of the group. Role Modeling Group members can serve as role models for other members of the group. By observing someone successfully coping with a problem, other members of the group can see that there is hope for recovery. As each person progresses, they can, in turn, serve as a role model and support figure for others. This can help foster feelings of success and accomplishment. Insight on Social Skills By working with a group, the therapist can see first-hand how each person responds to other people and behaves in social situations. Using this information, the therapist can provide valuable feedback to each client.
At our organization, we offer a variety of resources to help the the young adults transition from foster care to living independently. From healthy eating to job skills to housing, we are committed to providing the support and resources our clients need to succeed.